Packaging Fanatics

Our in-house innovation center specializes in creating innovative and unique packaging products for customers.
Turn customers' design concept into reality for mass production is our R&D team's expetrise.  

We offer bespoke design service to customers who have special requirements, or who want improve their existing packaging,
or who want unique designs to differentiate their product in the market. 

Our product development team combines a pool of various experienced members from Sourcing, Sales, CSR, Prepress,
Engineers and Quality Assurance. The R&D team works with customers closely to improve the design and to come up with
new packaging structures that can be seamlessly applied to the latest material, equipment, print effect and mass assembling. 

Our focus is not just on how the customers want the packaging design to be, but also on how the end consumers feel the design
and give suggestions to customers to improve the design.

Making the packaging " Greener " is one of our priorities.  We not only offering innovative structure design suggestions to
customers, but also offering suggestions to make the packaging" Green "  - including :using Bio-degradable, environment-friendly
materials to replace chemical and plastic, smart structure design to reduce the usage of glue, plastics and assembling cost.

Link: Professional Precision Molder

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